Fiber Optic

Turn-key Fiber Optic Services

Project Management:

  • Manage projects from design through construction to completion
  • Coordinate daily with client personnel, staff, sub-contractors, jurisdictions, and relevant stakeholders
  • Generate project cost estimates
  • Maintain detailed data and record management
  • Provide continuous project updates and clear communication channels

Underground and Aerial Path Creation Services:

  • Survey network routes and manholes
  • Conduct site surveys and assessments
  • Perform innerduct, conduit, and direct-buried installs
  • Power-washing and power-rodding, as well as traditional hand-rodding for proofing and washing of existing conduit systems
  • Install aerial over lashing and new attachments

ISP/OSP Engineering and Permitting:

  • Provide PE-stamped engineering drawings for construction and permitting
  • Engineer for ISP/OSP underground and aerial permitting and construction
  • Prepare detailed documentation, including full civil engineering drawings and profiles, network diagrams, splicing matrices, and as-builds
  • Maintain strong relationships with Federal, State, and Local Permitting Jurisdictions ¨Apply for, monitor, and receive permits for construction

Construction Management:

  • Provide construction, traffic, and safety inspection services
  • Requisition construction materials and supplies
  • Monitor and store inventory

Technical Operations:

  • Design and implement Local Area Network/Wide Area Network (LAN/WAN) infrastructure connectivity (Fiber Optic Cabling, Cat5e, Cat6, Cat7, WiFi, etc.)
  • Produce comprehensive drawings and diagrams of Information Systems Network Topology
  • ISP/OSP Network Infrastructure Installation
  • Perform pre-testing and post-testing of communication networks to specifications
  • Fusion splice fiber optic cables to meet, or exceed, client requirements

Wireless Consulting and Infrastructure Services:

  • Climbers trained in Site Hazard Assessment, Fall Protection (ASSE/ANSI Z359 Requirements), and Emergency Contingency Planning and Rescue Techniques
  • Design, Engineer, and Permit Cellular Tower Sites
  • Provide Co-Location, Stealth concealment, Grounding, Service, and Maintenance
  • Install, Splice, and Maintain tower-related fiber networks

Contact Us

31 Old Dock Rd, Yaphank, NY 11980

On call 24-hours a day. Every day.

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East End Group